Mon 27 Jan
// sexY CHERiSH // ** IN CaLL // PORTUgUeSE BeauTY (707)470-6457 IN/OUT - 21
(Denver, i25/ arapahoe)
☆ SeXy CuRVY CHeRisH ★ iN/ OuT ☆LATe LeT's PaRTY ★ SaSSy and SeduCTIVE ☎ (707)470-6457☎ - 21
(Denver, i25/ arapahoe / denver tech center)
💋[[PoRtUgUeSe sEnSaTiOn]] 💋❤💋 [[GoRgEuSe]] 💋❤💋 [[BeAuTiFuL]] 💋❤💋 [[SuPeR SeXy]] 💋❤💋 }}HH160**H220{{ - 21
(Denver, Glendale,aurora,downtown areas!)
ღ* _Exotic_ *ღ* _HAWAIIAN mix BOMBSHELL_ *ღ* Leaving in 2 Days *ღ - 25
(Denver, DTC incall / outcall)
Tue 21 Jan
The last night to get the release you need to start the work week out with a smile from ear to ear.. - 28
(City of Denver, Denver, I-70 and Peoria)
☆ SeXy CuRVY CHeRisH ★ iN/ OuT ☆ LeT's PaRTY ★ SaSSy and SeduCTIVE ☎ (707)470-6457☎ - 21
(Denver, i25/ arapahoe / denver tech center)
💋[[PoRtUgUeSe sEnSaTiOn]] 💋❤💋 [[GoRgEuSe]] 💋❤💋 [[BeAuTiFuL]] 💋❤💋 [[SuPeR SeXy]] & [[ReAdY 4 yOu]] 💋 - 21
(Denver, Cherry creek & Downtown area .!)
*LATiNA & PORTUGUESE* GoddEss* thick in all the right place.. [60] [60] [60] dont miss out - 21
°°Early Birdie special---woke up in a playful mood... come see if I can make you smile in 15mins.. - 26
(Denver, federal and hwy 36)
Congratulation you have earned yourself the perfect "Present" 60qv till 10:00a.m Morning.. - 28
(City of Denver, Denver, I-70 and Peoria)
New In Town B◯RN ★➋☆ Please ▃▄ WiTH◯UT★ A☆Doubt ▃▄ NAUGHTY★ GIRL☆ NEXT★DooR FETISH/PARTY FRiendly - - 31
(Colorado Springs, South COS)
Ready to Pamper All My Friends..... Call Or Text for More Info... - 24
(Cherry Creek Glendale, City of Denver, Denver)
Ready to Pamper All My Friends..... Call Or Text for More Info.... - 21
(Centennial, Centennial yours place, Denver)
Wed 08 Jan
Ready to Pamper All My Friends..... Call Or Text for More Info.... - 21
(Centennial, Centennial yours place, Denver)
Mon 06 Jan
Sun 05 Jan
☆ SeXy CuRVY CHeRisH ★ iN/ OuT ☆LATe LeT's PaRTY ★ SaSSy and SeduCTIVE ☎ (707)470-6457☎ - 21
(Denver, i25/ arapahoe / denver tech center)
Late Nite special---im in a playful mood... come see if I can make you smile in 15mins.. - 26
(Denver, federal and hwy 36)
Sat 04 Jan
Blizard weather is the perfect weather to come get a smile from ear to ear.. - 28
(City of Denver, Denver, I-70 and Peoria)
Fri 03 Jan
Ready to Pamper All My Friends..... Call Or Text for More Info... - 24
(Cherry Creek Glendale, City of Denver, Denver)
P o R T u G U e S e _ V I X E N. ×× AVAILABLE NoW! ×× (707)470-6457 - 22
(Colorado Springs, I-25 & Circle /in+out/ CS & Surrounding)
Thu 02 Jan